Daenerys Targaryen Drawing - Game of Thrones Fan Art Time Lapse - pusugames.com

Daenerys Targaryen Drawing – Game of Thrones Fan Art Time Lapse

LethalChris Drawing
Views: 43439
Like: 1270
Hey everyone! Here’s my drawing of Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke). I decided to work on some Game of Thrones fan art as I’m really looking forward to the upcoming season 4.
Daenerys Targaryen Drawing Free Download:

Pencil: Pentel P207 0.7mm mechanical pencil, with HB leads.

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I post regular videos to YouTube of my fan-art paintings and speed drawings in a time-lapse format.

Worked on a drawing of Daenerys Targaryen (aka Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons) as portrayed by Emilia Clarke in the awesome show, Game of Thrones. Can’t wait for season 4 of GoT!

Make sure to Subscribe if you enjoy speed drawing, painting and other artwork videos!

I own all the rights to the content in this video.

Fields of Green – Machinimasound

Thanks for watching! ๐Ÿ™‚